Constitution of

the Association


1.1 The Association shall be called “Paws N Music Association” and be operated in accordance with the Regulations of the Kennel Club.

1.2 The aims and objectives of the Association are:

  • to provide opportunities for handlers interested in the sport of dogs and music to have the opportunity to explore a range of formats and presentations of their skills, understanding and knowledge of dog training in conjunction with musical expression at events held by the Association
  • to provide a forum and opportunity to develop and maintain rules and judging regulations for the sport
  • support the dissemination of information
  • provide and support educational opportunities for learning within the sport to include Kennel Club Good Citizens Scheme.
  • promote demonstrations and awareness of the sport


2.1 The Officers of the Association shall consist of President, being an honorary position carrying no voting rights at Committee meetings, also Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee member for Newsletters, and at least six other members, (totaling 11).

2.2 The Association shall consist of an unlimited number of Members. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership. The Committee reserves the right to award honorary membership of the association subject to a quorate vote of the Committee.

2.3 No person whilst an un-discharged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club Registered Society.


3.1 The President will be elected annually at the A.G.M. and is also eligible for election to the Committee. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall retire triennially, in rotation but be eligible for re-election without nomination.  All other committee members shall also retire triennially in rotation but be eligible for re-election without nomination.  Nominations and the consent of the nominee for Committee and Officers must be in writing.  Individual members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election triennially without nomination.  The Committee shall elect the other Committee roles and has the power to co-opt any member(s) deemed necessary who shall stand until the next AGM. Any member co-opted onto the committee shall have full voting rights.

3.2 Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as deemed necessary but at least every 4 months.

3.3 Not less than 7 days’ notice in writing shall be given of a Committee meeting, except in an emergency where every effort shall be taken to contact all Committee members. There shall be a quorum at the meeting and the outcome of the meeting plus a list of those attending shall be reported to the next ordinary Committee meeting.

3.4 A quorum for Committee meetings shall be 5 voting members.  Any Officer or Committee member failing to attend two consecutive Committee meetings without satisfactory notice shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

3.5 No individual who has been a member for less than 12 months may be elected on to the Committee unless there are insufficient members willing to stand.  Individuals must have been a member of the Committee for more than 12 months to be eligible for election to an Official position, unless there are insufficient members who meet this criterion willing to stand.

3.6 The Officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year, Maintenance of Title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Secretary for continuance of Registration and that by 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in the Kennel Club Regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities be forwarded to the Kennel Club.

3.7 The Officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any changes of Secretary of the Association which may occur during the course of the year.


4.1 Candidates for membership shall be accepted on payment of subscription.

4.2 The Association must send a list of members and their addresses and those of branch members where appropriate, to the Kennel Club with their Annual Returns and, if so requested, make an up to date list of members available for inspection by the members of the Association or by the Kennel Club.


5.1 Each member shall be entitled to vote after 6 months’ membership. Postal votes /proxy votes are not allowed.  Voting shall be by show of hands or as decided by the majority at the meeting.


6.1 The property of the Association shall be vested in the Committee.

6.2 In the event of the Association ceasing to exist all assets shall be donated to one or more registered animal charities to be decided on by the Committee and the outcome of the meeting notified to the Kennel Club.

6.3 A final statement of accounts with a record of the disposal of the property of the Association shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months and the persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the Club.


7.1 All funds of the Association shall be deposited with bankers in the name of the Association into which all Association revenue shall be paid. Cheques drawn on these funds will bear two signatures. Officers empowered to sign cheques are the Treasurers, Secretary and/or Chairman. The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by one qualified Accountant or two unqualified individuals with accountancy experience elected by the Committee and confirmed by the A.G.M.


8.1 Any team representing the Association in demonstration must be selected by the Committee or the nominated officials appointed by the Committee.


9.1 Members’ annual subscriptions, payable at 1 January, shall be £15 with £6 per additional member for family subscriptions (applies to members of the family living at the same address)

9.2 No member whose subscription is unpaid is entitled to any of the privileges of membership and if the Member shall fail to pay outstanding subscriptions within one month of their renewal date, his / her name shall be automatically erased from the register. Acceptance back onto the register within one year will be dependent upon a new application and payment of back arrears.

9.3 Those awarded honorary membership of the Association will not be required to pay a subscription and shall receive all the normal privileges of membership.


10.1 Any member who shall be suspended under Kennel Club Rule A42j (5) and / or any member whose dog(s) is/are disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A42j (9) shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Society.

10.2 If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Society be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the Society, the Committee of the Society may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Society shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him / her. Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused Member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date, and hour of the Meeting that he / she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his / her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of Members, and he / she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of the Society, except that he / she may, within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to Kennel Club upon and subject to such condition as the Kennel Club may impose.

10.3 If the Society expels any Member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, Dog Shows, Trials or Competitions, the Society must report the matter in writing to The Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required.


11.1 The Financial Year shall commence on 1st January and close on 31st December.

11.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held as convenient after the end of the financial year.

11.3 The nature of the business to be conducted at the AGM is: To receive the report of the Committee and the Accounts, to elect Officers and to discuss any resolution duly placed on the Agenda of which prior notice has been given to the Secretary. No business shall be transacted at an AGM unless notice thereof appears on the Agenda, with the exception of routine matters or those that in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting are urgent.

11.4 The Secretary shall give members not less than 30 days notice of the AGM in writing or by email. Nominations of Officers and Committee shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary not less than 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Any member desiring to move any business at an AGM shall give notice in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the meeting. The Agenda will be circulated at the AGM.

11.5 A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the Secretary if 30% of Members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed and requesting a Special General Meeting to do so. The Committee of the Association is also empowered to call a Special General Meeting.

11.6 No business other than that detailed on the Agenda can be discussed at a Special General Meeting.

11.7 The Secretary shall give members not less than 30 days notice of the Special General Meeting in writing or by email.


12.1 The Rules of the Association may not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, the Notice for which contains specific proposals to amend the rules.

12.2 Any proposed alteration to the Rules may not be brought into effect until the Kennel Club has been advised and approved the alteration. New rules or amendments introduced specifically to meet Kennel Club requirements shall be adopted immediately.


13.1 The Kennel Club is the final authority for interpreting the Rules and Regulations of the Association in all cases relative to Canine or Association matters.

13.2 The Association shall not join any Federation of Societies