Contact us
Without the hard work of the volunteer Committee these events would simply not happen. If you would like to get involved, supporting social media/web editing, assisting with development schemes and activities, secretarial odd jobs or just helping at shows, every pair of hands is always welcome.
Carole Dodson
Chairman. Manager for Competitions, chaser and rallier of committee members. email
Lorna Hayes
Treasurer. Keeps the purse strings, chases for expenses receipts email
Tessa Easton
Association Secretary, appoints Judges, prepares show schedules, deals with KC. email
Ann Smart
Treasurer. Keeps the purse strings, chases for expenses receipts. email
Ali Buck
Membership. Seeks new members, chases for annual subs. Assists with social Media email
Jodie Harvey
Progress Awards, Excellence Certificates & Lifetime Awards email
Michelle Dodson
Does all the jobs no one else picks up, Website and Social Media email
Ali Wilde
Collates and logs show entries and scores. Annual Awards and Trophies Co-ordinator.
Emma Reynolds
General Committee Support (Joins Michelle on the ‘Everything Else Gang;)
Get in touch
Facebook with
Paws n Music
If you can’t attend a show you can still pick up the results and pics on the day in the Members Facebook Group – no more Feeling Of Missing Out!
Our main page for the Association on Facebook.