Progress Awards by Video
Video Routines for Assessment can presented on DVD or uploaded to a video streaming host.
The rules, guidelines and contents for a Video Progress Award Test are exactly as for a live test taken in front of an Assessor. There are additional guidelines when placing your test routine(s) on video. Please read them carefully as your test routine cannot be assessed if the guidelines set out below are not followed.
- Your routine must be recorded in one take and if submitting a second version this must be filmed at the same videoing session as the first one.
- No editing of the routine is permitted and no prompting is allowed.
- You may enter one or more Divisions (A, B, C or D) if you wish.
- You may only include two versions of your routine for each Division you enter.
- The timing of your routine will begin when the music starts playing.
- The timing of your routine will finish when you and/or dog have ceased to move.
- You must enter at Level 1 of any Division unless you have already achieved Merit or Distinction in that Division.
- If filming on a sunny day, make sure there is no sunlight reflecting into the camera.
- If zooming please ensure the whole of the handler and dog is always in the picture.
- The DVD/Video identification FORM is used to identify you and your dog and which Division and Level you have entered.
- You will be assessed according to the Division and Level written on this form, even if it is different from that on your entry form.
- You must fill in appropriately and film clearly the DVD/Video identification FORM for EACH entry.
- The DVD/Video identification form must be displayed for a minimum of ten seconds before EACH routine.
- Each entry must be accompanied by a sheet outlining the order in which the elements will be executed as required for a “live” test.
- A group of entrants may choose to place all of their routines on one disc and for every routine there must be a DVD/Video identification FORM displayed before each routine.
NOTE If entering by DVD, please ensure that the disc has been finalised and can be played on other DVD players. Technical details of how to do this are available from the Co-ordinator and it is strongly advised that you read this through to avoid long delays and avoid you having to pay additional postage costs whilst we attempt to find an Assessor that actually possesses equipment that will play it.
Submission via video streaming host (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)
This is an easy electronic method of having your video assessed. The entry form, identification sheet, elements order sheet and video link should be emailed to the Co-ordinator, along with a copy of your payment.
Entry Fees
The entry fee is £5.50 for EACH routine entered plus £2 per person for postage and packing of your rosette/s, certificate/s, paperwork and return of your disc (if submitted). Cheques should be made payable to Paws n Music Association while electronic payment options (Paypal or BACS) are available from the treasurer.
A copy of your Score Sheet/s will be sent to you, along with any Certificate/s, Rosette/s and Badge/s that you may have earned, after Assessment. These results will be published on the PnM website, Facebook page and in the Newsletter.